Horses that Help provides FREE horseback riding and horsemanship training to special needs children, at-risk youth, veterans and their families, using rescued and rehabilitated horses.
“Nobody can do everything, but everyone can do something”
Max Lucado
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24,188Horses That Help
A non-profit 501(c)3 equine rescue and sanctuary. A safe landing for at-risk horses.
Help! One of our foster horses is on Prascend for Cushings and it’s a medication that can add up $$$ quickly. Does anyone have any boxes sitting on the side that they no longer need? Any bit is a blessing to help ease the burden on our phenomenal foster mom who is giving the sweet senior boy a fabulous comfortable life after his mom passed away 🙏 Django and his foster mom thank you in advance!!! ❤️ #ittakesavillageAs volunteer extraordinaire Shelby was giving Eeyore a bath today I realized it’s been a while since we’ve shared about him! He came to HTH over two years ago after his loving owner passed away. Eeyore is the epitome of a “hard keeper” and kinda fell in disrepair during his owners illness and once he came it took us a solid year to figure out the “secret sauce” to keep him healthy. We battled summer sores in his sheath, canker, CPL, lymphedema, and all sorts of weird lameness and one of the reasons he’s a “forever resident” at HTH is because I’m terrified of changing anything for fear of relapsing issues! 🙈 We don’t mind letting him live out his days here as he’s a barn favorite, absolutely hysterical, and a giant ball of sweetness. Here’s a pic from today along with that famous video of Dr.Lopez pulling eggs from the summer sores on his sheath. That was one of the most intense vet visits ever but started Eeyore on the road to healing. He’s doing FABULOUS now! If you’d like to help towards Eeyore’s care that would be a blessing as he’s due for a teeth floating and annual vet check.Our Venmo is @Horses That Help or Zelle is 561-281-8599 under Horses That Help or PayPal is [email protected]
Thank you so very much and thank you for helping us help him ❤️
Sometimes “if you love them, let them go”. We were thrilled to welcome Gideon back to HTH last week after nearly 7 years and he was welcome to stay forever… but then… a family. They’ve adopted from us before and since their horse passed away they have had a hole in their hearts, an empty pasture, and in many ways they are literally the perfect fit for a slightly complex horse like Gideon. We miss him but are so very happy that he’ll have the love and attention he craves from his own kids and his own family ❤️ Happiness all the way around!Gideon is back!!! Nearly a decade ago he was a staple of HTH and worked with kids of all abilities in our program. It was a hard and specialized job and over time he let us know it was too much so we found him a loving home with a lot less pressure. He’s been living a great life all these years but life changes happen and his family brought him back to us today. We were so excited to reunite and although we’re on a new farm, he definitely remembered us! I rarely take photos of myself but wanted to recreate a headshot with him from 2017… We’re both older and hopefully wiser 😅.He’s welcome to stay with us forever but is adoptable should the perfect situation arise. Gideon is pretty much perfect under saddle and would have to be restarted and remuscled as he’s been living on bon bons but he’s definitely “been there, done that”. Easy keeper, needs front shoes, does not tie and is fine living alone … great with people but a bit of a bully with other horses. Loves the camera and is a total ham with a heart as big as him ❤️
We’ve been helping horses and humans for most of our kids lives, it’s kinda in our DNA so it’s no surprise that our youngest daughter, Jessica, developed a helping niche of her own and got really really into working with birds. She has volunteered hundreds of hours with various avian rescues and helping friends with troubled birds and just through word of mouth (much like how Horses That Help organically started) she’s officially branched out and created the “squawking side of HTH” aptly named “Helping Parrots - A Bird Rescue and Training Center”. At only 17 she clearly has a gift training and caring for birds and has already made quite an impact. If you would please give her page a “like” and a “follow” to help it grow FB presence that would amazing and she’d be super thankful!!! And if you’d like to adopt or foster a bird, reach out to her page as the intakes are already pouring in. 🥰🙏
Helping Parrots - A Bird Rescue and Training Center
The Squawking Side of Horses That Help, a 501(c)3 non-profit located in Marion County FL.
Our Mission
Using horses to break through physical, mental, spiritual, emotional, and cultural barriers.
Early on at Horses That Help, we learned that everyone needs help in one way or another. Everyone has a story, everyone has a past, a hurt, or tender area and everyone needs love and to feel they belong.
What started as a ministry for special needs children has evolved into so much more. I think in the day and age, most children are “at-risk” and we aim to provide a safe, wholesome, loving environment where these kids can let down their guard and simply be kids. A child lights up when you point out their potential and they rise to the occasion when they are trusted to help. Something amazing happens when you take a kid from their everyday environment and expose them to nature and horses and hard work. They get to groom, ride, and wash down the horses but the best is when they are entrusted to help a special needs child that comes to ride. Now you have a kid that gets to experience the amazing feeling of helping and making a difference in the lives of others and instead of a victim of circumstance, this kid is a hero, an overcomer, a vital part of something special and that’s when the real miracles happen.
As the children heal, their families heal too. And it all starts with a kid and a horse.
Dream big… there’s a lot of people to help.
We currently serve 80-200 children a month. Kids with special needs, teens that are facing crossroads, youth that are considered “at-risk”, and teens in foster care. In this supportive, safe, caring environment, these kids are thriving and are empowered through each obstacle they overcome. They become family. These kids come to the ranch for mentoring, food, fellowship and learning. Learning not just about horses but life skills as well. But I envision even greater growth… I see mentors in place to teach mechanics and carpentry and sustainable gardening. I see teams fixing the cars of single moms and special needs families. I see teams building tables where families gather to eat the food we all prepare with the organic produce they helped grow.
I see hurting, starved, abused horses being loved on tenderly by kids who’ve been through the same. I see abandoned animals and people being made whole and given a new purpose and hope for their future.
I see good people in bad situations being helped.
I see urban youth going camping, roasting marshmellows, and riding a horse deep into the woods. Healing happens on long, quiet trail rides for both horse and rider and neither return unchanged.
I see kids that feel hopeless rising above their circumstance and becoming leaders and mentors.
I see community support and resources available to help their families and a network of people joining together to help however needed. I see lives changed for generations to come… and it all starts with a kid and a horse.
Just like people, each horse has a story…

Color: Bay
Age: 8 Years
Weight: 1200lbs

Tennessee Walker
Color: Blue Roan
Age: 19 Years
Weight: 1100lbs

Gus Gus
Tennessee Walker/Mustang
Color: Black
Age: 9 Years
Weight: 1500lbs

Quarter Horse
Color: Grey
Age: 21 Years
Weight: 900lbs

American Shetland Pony
Color: Black
Age: 20 Years
Weight: 450lbs

American Shetland Pony
Color: Black & White Paint
Age: 25+ Years
Weight: 600lbs

American Shetland Pony
Color: Chestnut
Age: 5 Years
Weight: 500lbs

Color: Chestnut
Age: 5 Years
Weight: 900lbs

Frisco (Cocopuff)
Mini Pony
Color: Black & White Paint
Age: 5 Years
Weight: 200lbs
We could never do what we do without all our amazing sponsors!
Please fill out the contact form or call 561-281-8599.
Horses That Help is always looking for volunteers to help!
Ocala, FL
[email protected]